What is radical

is radical

Nomadic Archives – The Palestinian Resistance Camera (1968 – Today)

What is

Nomadic Archives – The Palestinian Resistance Camera (1968 – Today)

Friday 12:15 h -
, 25 min
Sapir Hubermann, Gießen
The “Palestinian Film Unit” (PFU) was a collective of film makers and researchers founded in the 1960s, who engaged in the production of films and documentaries within the framework of the “Third Cinema movement”. During the Lebanese Civil War in 1982, the PFU archive was bombed, and most of the archival materials were destroyed. Only the few films that were sent to film festivals in Europe and the Arab world survived. In recent decades, we can observe the phenomenon of second-generation Palestinians working with or on the lost materials of the PFU. This project focuses on visual productions that relate to those materials, and examines how they are situated at the intersection of film aesthetics and global decolonization movements. Sapir Hubermann is currently PhD Candidate at the International PhD Program (IPP), Literature and Cultural Studies, Justus Liebig University, Gießen.