Radical film at the
dawn of a new society

Radical film
at the dawn of
a new society

Non-hierarchical filmmaking after #metoo

Radical film
at the dawn
of a new

Non-hierarchical filmmaking after #metoo

Friday 15:00 - 18:00
Juli Saragosa
What kinds of hierarchies exist post #metoo? How can we structure authority in filmmaking so we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past? And what potential does non-hierarchical filmmaking hold in disrupting patriarchy? Is truly non-hierarchical filmmaking even possible? (more…)
Thursday 15:00 - 18:00
Everywhere Film School
Everywhere Film School is a free school activist initiative run by film workers that launches this Radical Film Meeting. It plans to grow a community worldwide in giving access to filmmaking skill-sets through a Discord server. We are especially looking for volunteer filmmakers to propose future workshops. (more…)
Saturday 15:00 - 16:30
Marc Allen Herbst, Andrea Culkova, Julia Lazarus, Paolo Podrescu
When the ecologies of our earth change, so do the ways we live on it. Our habits and routines, our individual and common horizons and also the oil, gas and food logistics– that are politically supported by parties interested in particular ways of being in this world– are in flux. (more…)