Radical film at the
dawn of a new society

Radical film
at the dawn of
a new society

Videoaktivism – Engaged filmmaking in the 21. Century

Radical film
at the dawn
of a new

Videoaktivism – Engaged filmmaking in the 21. Century

Thursday 16:30 - 17:30
Leftvision, Docs for Democracy, ver.di TV
Politically engaged filmmaking has undergone some profound changes in the last decades, on the formal level as well as the question of production and distribution. What remains is the notion to inform, create Gegenöffentlichkeit and provide a critical narrative that cannot be found in mainstream discourse. (more…)
Friday 17:00-19:00
Rojeh Khleif
Rojeh Khleif is a Palestinian film producer and cultural project manager based in Haifa and Berlin. He founded the Haifa Independent Film Festival in 2016, and acts as its director. The festival was the first of its kind that introduced films from Palestine and the Arab world to a Palestinian audience in Haifa. To this day, the festival continues to create a new cultural prism in the Middle East. (more…)
Saturday 15:00 - 16:30
Marc Allen Herbst, Andrea Culkova, Julia Lazarus, Paolo Podrescu
When the ecologies of our earth change, so do the ways we live on it. Our habits and routines, our individual and common horizons and also the oil, gas and food logistics– that are politically supported by parties interested in particular ways of being in this world– are in flux. (more…)