Radical film at the
dawn of a new society

Radical film
at the dawn of
a new society

Series: Projections

Radical film
at the dawn
of a new

Series: Projections

Khahliso Matela
Any township with its ‘not-so-temporary’ structural decorum of shacks radiates a claustrophobic air of poverty, contorted dreams and unsavory dilemmas of morality for our survivalist needs. The innocuous inner turmoil experienced often by those who reside here, is eventually externalized in other forms of violence and abandonment. For artists immersed in this existence, there tends to develop a personalized architecture of inner conflict, which then informs the art used to reconfigure all their creative output and responses to crisis.


These video poems are a visual reclamation technique of exposing my isolation, as interpreted through creative methods my skill allows. And as with all transient experiences, this chapter of projected rage, longing, solitudes and awe, remains a testament of a productive idleness in praise of confinement and introspective isolation.


I am a writer and filmmaker, who uses his creative expertise and art to interrogate and hold memories to account. Being of the conviction that art also judges history and how history is recalled, I find my craft becoming a social barometer, upon which memory is activism in an era of forgetting