Radical film at the
dawn of a new society

Radical film
at the dawn of
a new society

The Re-Appropriation of the Gaze

Radical film
at the dawn
of a new

The Re-Appropriation of the Gaze

Dana Lorenz
The video work Re-Writing Gaze shows five different portrait situations of women* who open up a sensual space in an intimate gaze relationship with the artist. In an examination of the theory of Female Gaze, the work questions conventional looking and being looked at, as well as binary identities. In a re-appropriation of the gaze, her protagonists look back self-confidently at the viewers and thus critically question the canonized image of women* in our collective pictorial memory.


Dana Lorenz works at the intersection between artistic photography, installation and video. In her conceptual works she questions the representation of women, heternormative practices of everyday actions and codified conceptualizations from a queer-feminist perspective. What defines our interaction and language with each other? From this subjectively informed gaze, she examines the entrenching narratives of history. Her artistic practice also includes long-term collaborative and curatorial projects like the independent publication platform Edizione Multicolore.

