The Semi-Show is a trash TV absurdist talk show revolving around the notion of “semi-”. A playful expression of feminism, reflecting on contemporary power-structures, affective hierarchies and naked politics: semi-sexual, semi-local, semi-interactive, semi-expertise. Half-way interrupted formats follow one another. The show moves through virtual imagery inviting the audience to follow masterclasses, absurd games and the band’s performance compressed into a one minute span.
Among the semi-experts are Nadja Buttendorf (artist), Jana Barthel aka Futuremaps030 (artist and rapper), Cibelle Cavalli Bastos (musician, performer, VR/AR artist), Asya Ashmann (performer) and Alexandra Zakharenko a.k.a. Perila (music producer and performer), and others.
The duo R&D was formed in 2018 by Emilia Kurylowicz, an artist and a filmmaker from Poland and Maru Mushtrieva, a writer from Russia. The need to express their ongoing research in a performative way brought them to the idea of a conceptual band. R&D researches stereotypes and patterns that are found in their immediate environment, both real and virtual and every album will be dedicated to a specific contemporary struggle.