Radical film at the
dawn of a new society

Radical film
at the dawn of
a new society

Theses on Cavern Cinema

Radical film
at the dawn
of a new

Theses on Cavern Cinema

Unidad de Montaje Dialéctico (UMD)
This fragmentary film essay, written in the form of a series of Theses (in the style of Luther’s 95 Theses or Marx’s Theses on Feuerbach), explores the principles of Cavern Cinema, a radical way of making and watching cinema in a (post-)pandemic world.


The Unidad de Montaje Dialéctico (UMD) is a research agency and a faceless artistic collective established in 2020. Their refusal to show their faces and to use proper names stems from a defense of clandestinity and collectivity as a tactic to confront the logic of the spectacle and the industrial-celebrity complex.